
Friday, March 24, 2017

Cupcake Decorating Ideas

I have a book that is over 170 pages and it takes up precious real estate on my bookcase. I bought it for cupcake decorating ideas and in the last 10 years I have referred to this book about 3 times. I've been keeping the book for the few ideas I like. It seems silly for this book to take up space when I don't use it often. I decided to scan the pics and give the book (which still looks brand new) to my niece who likes to decorate cakes.

The ideas are easy but not always quick to execute especially the eyes on the caterpillar. I thought doing the little icing ribbons on the Starbursts would be quick but it was a major time consumer. I asked my kids to help me unwrap the candy but they were eating it so I had my husband help me instead. In other words these are not last-minute decorating ideas.

Starbursts and icing

cut marshmallows and use candy for center

chocolate candy, jelly beans and crushed chocolate cookies

the recipe for the ribbon

marshmallows, peanut butter cups, red candies, pretzel sticks
Snowmen can be cuter without the eyebrows. The directions say to make regular size and mini cupcakes. Use icing to attach cupcakes. 

fruit-striped gum and pressed fruit wrap, the hat is 2 vanilla wafer cookies with icing in the middle

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